[hakoniwa] October 2020


_cthruit's interview is on a web magazine, Hakoniwa (in Japanese)

[&Premium] October 2015


10月20日発売の12月号、&PremiumのP145にDémaé jewelleryと_cthruit、eri,の作品が一点ずつ掲載されています。
Magazine appearance in &Premium Dec issue (on the page 145). One of each Démaé jewellery, _cthruit, and eri, items is shown.

[CYAN] October 2015


Beauty & Lifestyleをテーマにした季刊誌CYANに短い文章を寄稿しました。10月30日発売です。

I wrote a short article for a magazine as the designer of _cthruit. The magazine is called CYAN and it features beauty and lifestyle in depth.
The next issue is out on Oct 30.

[JDN] June 2015


先日のインテリアライフスタイル、キュレーションストア ジュエリーブースについてのJDNの記事にブランドが紹介されました。

A review of Interior Lifestyle Tokyo on JDN site includes some pics of _cthruit's items.


[Nid] April 2015



Appearance in a magazine called nid, issued on 20 Mar, 2015.

[Jewelry Journal Interview] April 2015


Jewelry Journal にインタビュー記事が掲載されました。

I was interviewed by Jewelry Journal (sorry, all in Japanese!).


[装苑 | So-En] March 2015



You can see _cthruit in the fashion magazine, August issue of So-En, on page 105.

[TOMOTOMO] January 2015


Appearance of an earring and a necklace from _cthruit on the magazine, TOMOTOMO, a magazine for hair stylists!

[Tololo] January 2015


[chic chic] December 2014


12/20発売号のchic chic(チクチク)、”ハンドメイドジュエリー図鑑”(p122)に_cthruitが紹介されています。是非書店にてお手に取ってご覧下さい。
Appearance in a magazine, chic chic,  on p122 in the December issue.

[装苑 | So-en] January 2014


Appearance in a fashion magazine, So-en,  on p58 in the February issue out on Jan 28.