[Exhibition] December 2016 (終了しました)
お取扱先である名古屋のgalerie P+EN にて初めての個展を行います。12/10-12/25
_cthruit will have a solo exhibition in a galerie P+EN, a stockist in Nagoya for the first time.. 10 Dec - 25 Dec..
[Exhibition] December 2016 (終了しました)
d47 museumにて行われるアクセサリー展に参加します。12/7-2/12
_cthruit will participate in a collective exhibition of accessories in d47 museum in Shibuya. 7 Dec - 12 Feb..
[Exhibition] November 2016 (終了しました)
Kana Umeda will participate in an collective exhibition of Snow Domes in Traditional Art Museum in Ishikawa. 18 Nov -10 Dec..
[Exhibition] November 2016 (終了しました)
Démaé jewelleryとしてPlain Peopleにて巡回展を行います。11/4-12-30
Démaé jewellery and _cthruit will have pop up stores in Plain People stores. 4 Nov -30 Dec..
[Exhibition] October 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will have a trunk show in an interior shop, Metrocs, in Sapporo. 14-28 Oct.
[Exhibition] September 2016 (終了しました)
恵比寿のtmh. & L'interieur にて個展が始まります。9/22-10/10
_cthruit will have a solo show at the gallery/shop, tmh. & L'interieur in Ebisu, Tokyo. 22 Sep - 10 Oct.
[Exhibition] September 2016 (終了しました)
パリで行われるMaison et ObjectにLightsとして出店します。9/2-6
_cthruit will participate in Maison & Objet in Paris in the booth of Lights. 2-6 Sep.
[Exhibition] August 2016 (終了しました)
Plain People京都店と六本木店でPopupをおこないます。8/15-21 (六本木), 8/19-28(京都)
_cthruit will have a pop-up in Plain People Kyoto and Roppongi. 15-21 August (Roppongi), 19-28 August (Kyoto).
[Exhibition] August 2016 (終了しました)
岐阜のギャラリーSoyacoconiteDémaé jewelleryとしての展覧会が始まります。8/6-14
_cthruit and Démaé jewellery will have an exhibition in a gallery in Gifu, Soyacoco. 6-14 August.
[Exhibition] July 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will have a trunk show in a stockist in Toyama, MaTilDe. 23-31 July.
[Exhibition] July 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will participate in a collective exhibition, CLEAR, in Wako Ginza. 15-18 July.
[Exhibition] July 2016 (終了しました)
熊本市のギャラリーmoeにて展覧会が始まります。(Démaé jewelleryとして) 7/9-18
_cthruit and Démaé jewellery will have an exhibition in a gallery,moe in Kumamoto, Kumamoto. 9-18 July.
[Exhibition] June 2016 (終了しました)
青森県弘前市のギャラリー安曇野にて展覧会が始まります。(Démaé jewelleryとして) 6/17-26
_cthruit and Démaé jewellery will have an exhibition in a gallery, Azumino in Hirosaki, Aomori. 17-26 June
[Exhibition] June 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will have a pop-up store in a jewelry shop, Lijou, situated on the 5F of Tokyu Plaza Ginza. 15-30 June
A specialty shop newly opened in Tottori, Saon, starts to carry few pieces of _cthruit!
[Exhibition] May 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will participate in one of the biggest design fairs in Japan, Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2016, 1-3 June
[Exhibition] May 2016 (終了しました)
日本最大級のアートフェア、アートフェア東京2016のNew Pearlブースに出品します。5/11-14
_cthruit will participate in one of the biggest art fairs in Japan, Art Fair Tokyo 2016, in New Pearl's booth 11-14 May
[Exhibition] April 2016 (終了しました)
金沢のお取扱店であるNiguramuにて(Démaé jewelleryとして)展覧会を行います。5/3-15
Démaé jewellery will have an exhibition in a stockist in Kanazawa, Niguramu. 3-15 May
[Exhibition] April 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will have a small exhibition in an atelier/shop of a jewelry brand, Perche? based in Fukuoka. 29 Apr - 8 May
[Exhibition] April 2016 (終了しました)
韓国はソウルでのグループ展に参加します。ソウルのブランドJigumのショールームにて。Material Letters from Tokyo 4/8-17->21まで延長になりました。
_cthruit will participate in a group exhibition in a showroom of a Korean jewelry brand, Jigum, in Seoul, Korea. 8-17 Apr -> extended till 21 April.
[Exhibition] April 2016 (終了しました)
東京、杉並海の家にて行われるフリマに参加します(Démaé jewelleryとして)。4/9-10
Démaé jewellery will participate in a flea market in Suginami Umi no Ie in Tokyo. 9-10 Apr.
[Exhibition] March 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will have an exhibition in Suginami Umi no Ie in Tokyo with Démaé jewellery and eri, 23 Mar - 27 Mar.
[Exhibition] January 2016 (終了しました)
_cthruit will participate in a small exhibition in a clothing store, W-Vision in Kumamoto. 30 Jan - 14 Feb.
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago in United States starts to carry items of _cthruit.
Gallery UBI in Beijing, China starts to carry items of _cthruit.
[Exhibition] December 2015 (終了しました)
_cthruit will participate in a pop-up event in Isetan Kyoto. 16-22 DEc.
[Exhibition] December 2015 (終了しました)
静岡県浜松市のギャラリーまるまるわにてDémaé jewelleryとしての今年最後の展覧会を行います。12/11-17
The last exhibition as Demae Jewellery this year at Gallery Marumaruwa. 11-17 Dec.
[Exhibition] December 2015 (終了しました)
今年で6年目、New Jewelryに参加します。12月4-6日
_cthruit will participate in New Jewelry, 6th exhibition since 2010. 4-6 Dec.
愛知県名古屋のギャラリー、galerie P+ENでのお取り扱いが始まります!まずはXmasに向けてピアスから。
A gallery in Nagoya, galerie P+EN, starts to carry some of earrings, that could make a great Xmas gift!
株式会社やまとが展開する和装ブランドThe Yardの一号店に帯留めを入れています。
The first store of The Yard, a Kimono brand by Yamato carry two types of Obidome by _cthruit.
Plain People での展示が始まります!今年は全国13店舗、5期にわたって行われます。
Exhibitions at Plain People stores throughout Japan will start in November!
メルボルンはFitzroyのジュエリーギャラリーBini galleryでのお取り扱いが始まりました。
Bini gallery, a jewellery gallery in Fitzroy, Melbourne starts to carry various items of _cthruit!
[Exhibition] Ocboter 2015(終了しました)
MoMA Design Store(東京)で期間限定イベントを開催します。2015年11年5日(木)-12月25日(木)
_cthruit will have a pop up store in MoMA Design Store in Tokyo. Thu Nov 5 2015-Thu 25 December.
[Exhibition] Ocboter 2015
解体前の渋谷区役所で行われるデザインイベントに参加します。250 Earrings by New Jewlery 2015年10年25日(土)-11月3日(火・祝)
_cthruit will participate in an event, 250 Earrings by New Jewelry in the soon to be demolished Shibuya city hall. Sat Oct 25 - Tue Nov 3 2015.
[Exhibition] Ocboter 2015
東京のジュエリーブランドMaison des Perles by Moko Kobayashiのアトリエで行われる「Pearl Market」に参加します。2015年10年10日(土)-11日(日)
_cthruit will participate in an event, Pearl Market, held in the studio of a jewellery brand, Maison des Perles by Moko Kobayashi. 10-11 Oct 2015.
L'INTERIEUR, a gallery/shop of a jewellery brand, tmh., in Tokyo starts to carry items of _cthruit!
HAGISO, a gallery/cafe in Yanaka, Tokyo opens a shop on the 2nd floor where they carry items of _cthruit!
静岡のギャラリー、POP-UP STUDIOにてDémaé jewelleryの展覧会を行います。2015年9月10-20日→終了しました
Exhibition of Démaé jewellery (_cthruit x eri,) will be held in POP UP STUDIO, a gallery in Shizuoka. Sep 10-20 2015
Exhibition with another jewellry brand, tmh. at their gallery/shop, L'interieur. Collaborated items will also be displayed. 28 Aug - 13 Sep 2015.
_cthruit will participate in a group exhibition, On the other side, in Paryuko in Parco Shibuya.
June 26 - July 7, 2015
You can see _cthruit in the fashion magazine, August issue of So-En, on page 105.
A specialty shop, Mies in Nishiogikubo Tokyo, started to carry _cthruit's fragment earrings and glass bangles till the end of August.
Conran Shopにて期間限定で展示販売をいたします。2015年4月26日-6月28日
The Conran Shops will carry _cthruit items for 2 months, April 26 -
June 28 2015.
大阪のCafe&Bookstore Bibliothequeでのお取り扱いが始まりました。
New stockist in Osaka, Bibliotheque, a cafe&bookstore.
Appearance in a magazine called nid, issued on 20 Mar.
Will participate in the group exhibition/trade show, HUB, 17-19 Mar.
アートフェア東京にNew Pearlの企画で参加します。3月20-22日
Will participate in the Art Fair Tokyo 2015, 20-22 Mar.
Démaé jewelleryとして京都のkara-Sで展覧会を行います。3月6-13日→終了しました
Will have an exhibition as Démaé jewellery in kara-S, Kyoto, 6-13 Mar.
Appearance of an earring and a necklace from _cthruit on the magazine, TOMOTOMO, a magazine for hair stylists!
Will participate in a group exhibition in a gallery cafe in Unzen, Nagasaki.11 Feb - 10 Mar.
[press] December
12/20発売号のchic chic(チクチク)、”ハンドメイドジュエリー図鑑”(p122)に_cthruitが紹介されています。是非書店にてお手に取ってご覧下さい。
Appearance in a magazine, chic chic, on p122 in the December issue.
[Exhibition] December
第5回New Jewelry 2014に参加します。今年は会場がChiyoda Arts 3331へ。12月5-7日。
Will participate in the 5th New Jewelry 2014, this year at Chiyoda Arts 3331. Dec 5-7.
[Exhibition] November
Plain Peopleの10店舗をDémaé jewelleryとして巡回展示します。11月6日ー12月26日。
Démaé jewellery will have a tour exhibitions at 10 Plain People outlets from Nov 6 through Dec 26.
[Exhibition] November
Will participate in an event at 4th floor of Isetan Shinjuku. Nov 19-25.
[Exhibition] October
Démaé jewelleryとしてMITATEでミニ展覧会を行います。10月1日-30日。
Démaé jewellery will have a small show in a gallery, MITATE. Oct 1-30.
[Exhibition] September
New Pearl の展覧会@Pass the Batonに参加します。9月4日-28日。
Will participate in an exhibition of New Pearl project at Pass the Baton. Sept 4-28.
[Exhibition] July
Démaé jewellery の展覧会@英蔵。7月25日-8月3日。
Démaé jewellery exhibition at gallery Hanakura in Gifu, Jul 25 - Aug 3.
[Exhibition] July
個展@ギャラリーEcru H+M。7月5日-12日。
Will have a solo show in a gallery Ecru H+M in Ginza, Jul 5 - 12.
[Exhibition] June
Pop up store @新宿伊勢丹。Wataru Yamazaki氏と、6月11日-17日。
Pop up store @ Isetan Shinjuku with Wataru Yamazaki. June 11 - 17.
ニューヨークで行われるICFF内のdesignboom martに参加します。5月17-20日。
Will participate in designboom mart inside ICFF in New York, May 17-20.
[Exhibition] April
Will have a fair in Perche? Storia. April 26 - May 5.
[Exhibition] April
ヒルサイドフォーラムで行われるSpring Marketに参加します。4月18日-20日
Will participate in Spring Market in HIllside Forum. April 18 -20.
[Exhibition] March
銀座の和光で行われるSense of Wonderworksに参加します。3月21日-23日
Will participate in Sense of Wonderworks held in Wako in Ginza. Mar 21 -23.
[Exhibition] February
恵比寿のコンテンポラリージュエリーギャラリーdeux poissonsにて個展を行います。2月21日-3月2日
Will have a solo show in a contemporary jewelry gallery, deux poissons, Feb 21 - Mar 2.
[Press] January
Appearance in a fashion magazine, So-en, on p58, out on Jan 28.
[Exhibition] January
designboom mart Toronto 2014にDémaé jewelleryとして参加します。1月23日-26日。
Démaé jewellery will participate in designboom mart Toronto 2014, Jan 23-26.
[Exhibition] December
青山のギャラリーワッツでのグループ展に参加します。「We love jewelry!」。1月5日-11日。
Will participate in a group exhibition at Gallery Wa2 in Aoyama. "We love jewelry!" Jan 5-11.
[Exhibition] December
Will participate in a group exhibition , "Gift-ed", at a contemporary jewelry gallery, MANO, in Taipei Taiwan. Dec 7 - Jan 11.
[Exhibition] December
ジュエリーの合同展示会New Jewelryに参加します。12月14日-15日。
Will participate in a jewelry group exhibition, "New Jewelry". Dec 14-15.
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