[Exhibition @_graum, Saitama]
今回は「思考する洋服ブランド」として知られるhimukashi さん(ブランド名は今後はサリゲナクになります)と初めてのデュオでの展示です。
himukashi × _cthruit
@sarige.naku @_cthruit
期間:2025年3月7日(金)- 3月16日(日)無休
時間:12:00 - 17:00
_cthruit will have a duo exhibition with an apparel brand called himukashi (soon to be sarigenaku) known
for its inovative design, in a gallery in Tokorozawa, Saitama.
While the gallery, graum carries some of the models already, this will be an opportunity to see a wide range of collection including the new "woven" series.
Gallery graum
Address: 4-12, Motomachi, Tokorozawa, Saitama
Opening days: Friday 7 - Sunday 16 March (opens everyday)
Hours: 12:00-17:00
I will be at the gallery on 8 March
Please drop by to feel the beginning of the Spring.
[Pop up@Actus Aoyama in Tokyo]
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